Luke Hangen | | LinkedIn
“No man is free who is not master of himself.” -Epictetus
Future CEO.
Luke is the Head of Quantitative Research and an Analyst in the Ohio University Student Equity Management Group. He is a freshman and a College of Business student from Columbus, Ohio, majoring in Finance. He is grateful to be part of OUSEMG, where he develops skills in teamwork and equity research. As the Head of Quantitative Research, Luke is leading a team to redevelop OUSEMG’s technologies to improve efficiency and enhance data analysis, focusing on creating innovative tools to support equity research and optimizing workflow within the group. This experience strengthens his commitment to personal and professional growth, fostering his long-term goal of working in private equity, where he hopes to help businesses grow and succeed.
Before attending Ohio University, Luke attended Bishop Watterson High School, where he served as Vice President of the Bishop Watterson Investment Club, gaining valuable experiences in financial analysis and leadership. Alongside his academic pursuits, Luke excelled as an athlete, serving as a captain of the Bishop Watterson wrestling team and qualifying for the individual state tournament. He also participated in golf, a sport he plans to enjoy throughout his life.
Demonstrating his entrepreneurial spirit, during his sophomore year of high school, Luke founded Hangen Lawn & Landscape LLC, a Columbus-based landscaping company. His business now serves over 85 clients and provides work for his younger brothers and students from Bishop Watterson. Luke plans to continue expanding it while attending OU. This venture has equipped him with entrepreneurial skills that enhance his academic and professional pursuits.
Luke is committed to making a meaningful impact through his position as the Head of Quantitative Research and Analyst within OUSEMG and aspires to become a Head Analyst next year. Outside of his academic and professional endeavors, Luke is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys working out, fishing, playing billiards, and golfing.